March 6, 2025
Welcoming Part-Time Consulting & Teaching Veterinarians to CALAM
As part of our 2023-2028 Strategic Plan, CALAM is excited to launch a new initiative to welcome part-time consulting veterinarians and teaching veterinarians into our community. As part of this initiative, new part-time consulting and teaching veterinarians, as well as other new to CALAM veterinarians, would be offered a free trial membership for the calendar year. We extend our gratitude to Craig Bihun for initiating this effort, which aims to expand our network, providing valuable resources, professional support, and strengthened representation.
How You Can Help
Current members can support this initiative by:
We encourage members to share this opportunity during CCAC assessments and through professional networks.
July 23, 2024
CALAM’s Values have been ratified at the June 4th, 2024 Annual general meeting! Please find them below:
Stay tuned for more of the latest news - to be posted shortly!